41, master of the temple |
Agony |
Annihilation |
Aramil |
Atroius |
Attercop pouncer |
Augustus, apprentice of pain |
Aurana kiirodel |
Aurus, windborn minotaur |
Balan bastom |
Balance |
Barabas |
Bearded devil legion |
Beulah, troll mercenary |
Bimal |
Biomantic digester, advanced |
Black horse bounty hunter |
Blade of the kingsguard |
Blizzard elemental |
Bound fire golem |
Brakken the blitzer |
Brutus |
Caela |
The chorus |
Clan millorn |
Clark the clerk, antimagic assassin |
Claw of leska |
Commander |
Crystin ja-nafeel |
Dark pyre |
Dashgoban knight |
Dasseni cavalry squad |
Dasseni jouster, typical |
Dasseni noble, typical |
Deception |
Desire |
Diogenes |
Dread spectral hound |
Dream elemental, medium |
Duke michael gallo |
East wind monk |
Emran |
Etinifi, the longwalker |
Fallen knight |
Fayne rawnbeck |
Tinncev, fox animal companion |
Feaster of flesh and souls |
Fiendish war mammoth |
Findle the minstrel |
Flaganus mortus |
Flame of the emperor |
Flight |
Freedom |
Gabal, dread wraith archmage |
Gallo chaplain |
Gallo soldier |
Gar-alanak, windborne cloud giant |
Gargoyle striker |
Gate pass irregulars |
Gate pass rebel mage |
Gate pass rebel priest |
Gate pass rebel warrior |
General ashok danava |
General cavala |
General euserius de fiaba |
General signus |
General titus |
Vorenus, awakened warhorse |
Ghoulish juvenile red dragon |
Giorgio |
Glass wyrm |
Glurthog |
Golden worm |
Gorm |
Gregor |
Grellfin flintflindercandle |
Celestial companion |
Griiat, high priest of the dark pyre |
Grim morgensen |
Reaper, stalwart warhorse |
Gut, troll mercenary |
Guthwulf, minister of pain |
Haaketh |
Haddin ja-laffa |
H’andrea the cleric |
H’andrea the druid |
H’andrea the wizard |
Hans |
Hedrenatherax |
Hobgoblin rogue |
Horde zombie |
Illusory elf warriors |
Illusory orc warriors |
Indomitability |
Indomitable fire bat swarm |
Indomitable fire dire bat |
Indomitable fire dire boar |
Inquisitor boreus |
Inquisitor crona |
Inquisitor damius |
Inquisitor darius |
Inquisitor etienna |
Inquisitor garivus |
Inquisitor rovus |
Inquisitor torrax |
Inquisitor ursus |
Ivellios |
Carl, toad familiar |
Jaas, ragesian infiltration leader |
Jesepha, dread wraith sovereign trumpet archon |
Jorrina waryeye |
Karedan, red knight of ragesia |
Kathor danava |
Kathor’s horse, stalwart warhorse |
Katrina |
Kazyk, bearded devil |
Kelkin thravanvost |
Vellin, raven familiar |
Khagan onamdammin |
Kiernan stekart |
King steppengard of dassen |
Kiznith, shalahesti commander |
Klaus |
Konigsmarshal malkan |
Ahram, stalwart warhorse |
Koren |
Kralrak, goblin rogue |
Kreven |
Lady timor |
Larion prevarieth |
Laurabec adelsburg |
Takasi, celestial companion |
Lee sidoneth |
Lula, squid animal companion |
Leena, ragesian knight |
Ragesian knight’s stalwart warhorse |
Legate kolvus |
Lemure horde |
Lieutenant kormus |
Living wind |
Lkendreis |
Longinus |
Lord dashgoban |
Lord gorquith |
Lord shaaladel |
Lurker in the eye |
Lyceum upperclassman |
Lyon petris |
Madness |
Magnus fightmaster |
Malhun, the blood wolf |
Mantidrake |
Markus |
Marton, ragesian knight |
Ragesian knight’s stalwart warhorse |
Menchi the headless |
Ekseru, worg familiar |
Metamorphosis |
Mishap |
Nadia, ragesian knight |
Ragesian knight’s stalwart warhorse |
Nahrem, shahalesti necromancer |
Skeletal minion |
Naizelasa |
Nightmare trillith |
Nightmare trillith, advanced |
Nira |
Nullifier |
Nuura |
Olaf |
Oller pennyteller |
Orc savage |
Ostalin hippogriff rider |
Ostalin royal guard |
Papuvin, songleader |
Phaaughsmat |
Pilus |
Pitchlings |
Pixis the assassin |
Pristina whitehair |
Professor talon |
Quillathe |
Ragesian ambassador serrimus |
Ragesian archer, elite |
Ragesian archer, master |
Ragesian archer, standard |
Ragesian assistant |
Ragesian cavalry squad |
Ragesian commander, veteran |
Ragesian infantry squad |
Ragesian infiltrator, elite |
Ragesian infiltrator, standard |
Ragesian inquisitor, elite |
Ragesian inquisitor, green |
Ragesian inquisitor, master |
Ragesian inquisitor, palace |
Ragesian inquisitor, standard |
Ragesian inquisitor, veteran |
Ragesian knight |
Ragesian knight’s stalwart warhorse |
Ragesian magic jar assassins |
Ragesian palace guard |
Ragesian soldier, elite |
Ragesian soldier, experienced |
Ragesian soldier, green |
Ragesian soldier, standard |
Ragesian soldier, veteran |
Ragesian wyvern, elite |
Ragesian wyvern knight |
Ragesian wyvern knight, elite |
Ragesian wyvern squadron |
Rantle |
Renard woodsman |
Rexis |
Rhuarc |
Rhuarc’s shadow |
Dreadnought |
Rip, troll mercenary |
Roav, consultant to the damned |
Rowern |
Thundercloud keep |
Savage horde |
Seela rebel |
Sergeant smash |
Seryanna |
Setales |
Shahalesti guerilla, elf |
Shahalesti guerilla, human |
Shahalesti scout, elite |
Shahalesti scout, standard |
Shahalesti scout, veteran |
Shahalesti soldier, elite |
Shahalesti soldier, green |
Shahalesti soldier, veteran |
Shahalesti wizard, elite |
Shalosha |
Shealis amlauril |
Silvia cossala |
Simeon gohanach |
Sinaelus, fell claw of leska |
Sindairese ghoul |
Sindairese infantry squad |
Skeleton phalanx |
Skulk of shadows |
Smarg (smiley) hobbler |
Snort, troll mercenary |
Solei palancis dreadnought |
Solei palancis elite guard |
Sophia |
Eye-of-thunder, hawk familiar |
Steppengard commander |
Steppengard knight |
Steppengard prelate |
Steppengard soldier |
Stonum, ragesian wyvern knight |
Supreme inquisitor leska merideus |
Svenn |
Thalan |
Thalan’s bodyguard |
Thorkrid the dark |
Three weeping ravens |
Tiljann, bearer of the song |
Tiljann |
Timbre |
Time |
Timor war mage |
Toma |
Torrent |
Dreadnought |
Tragedy |
Treant grove |
Trilla, adult gold dragon aspect |
Two-winds air elemental, huge |
Valley of storms ettin |
Vargenga |
Vargouille swarm |
Victory |
Vigilance |
Vile oak |
Vorax-hul |
Mask of vorax-hul lich |
Vuhl, deception’s guise |
Wanderer |
Watchman |
West wind monk |
West wind spy, elite |
Whirling treasure hoard |
White court rajput |
Willum |
Woody, rust-wrangler |
Granule the mighty |
Xavious foebane |
Yvonnel |